International Conference on Mountain Hydrology and Cryosphere
9 and 10 November 2023
Kathmandu and Dhulikhel, Nepal
In order to address the different issues of mountain hydrology and cryosphere and its related sectors, the International Conference on Mountain Hydrology and Cryosphere will be organized in Kathmandu and Dhulikhel, on 9 and 10 November 2023.
The conference is organized by the Nepal committee for the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), Kathmandu University (HiCCDRC, KU) and The Small Earth Nepal (SEN). The conference is co-organized by the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), Government of Nepal, Society of Hydrologists and Meteorologists (SOHAM) - Nepal, Tribhuvan University (CDHM and CDES, TU), International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), International Water Management Institute (IWMI), UNESCO, Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) and Global Water Future (GWF) of the University of Saskatchewan. The other associated partners of the conference are the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Water Resources Research and Development Centre (WRRDC), International Center for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC) and Center of Research for Environment, Energy and Water (CREEW), Nepal.
Keynote speakers will be invited to deliver presentations on specific burning issues. Selected peer-reviewed papers will be published in the Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (PIAHS).
Watch the conference news coverage
Keynote Speakers
Prof. Dr. Gordon Young
Cryospheric Issues in the Himalaya / Karakoram: An Overview
Prof. Dr. Koji Fujita
Himalayan Glacier Research: Initiation, Development, and Future
Invited Speakers
Prof. Dr. John Pomeroy
Changes to the Snow and Ice Hydrology of the Canadian Rockies
Dr. Anil Mishra
Addressing Changes in the Cryosphere through International Year of Glacier Preservation-2025